Here's the map of Sri Veeramakaliamman Hindu temple in Singapore...

One of the oldest Hindu Temples in Singapore and the oldest in Serangoon; Tamil pioneer workers built the shrine of Veeramakalimman, the powerful goddess to protect them in a foreign land; it was also the centre of early Indian sociocultural activities in the area.

One of the earliest localities where Indians, particularly Tamils, settled was Kampong Kapor (Lime Village) Buffalo Village or New Kampong. In 1935 the early Tamils built a shrine for Veeramakaliamman, the powerful goddess who destroys evil and protects her devotees. Perhaps the Tamils who worked in the lime kilns initiated the building of the shrine, or those involved in cattle-raising activities.

By the end of the 19th century a wooden Temple had replaced the shrine and gradually more rooms were added to the building. A statue of the goddess was shipped from South India in 1908. By 1938 other deities were added to the Temple and this included Lord Murugan and Lord Ganesha. In 1938 a chariot was purchased. Renovations and additions were made in 1953 and in 1987 a 'Koburam' (Gateway) was erected.

The Sri Veeramakalimman Temple reflects the deep faith the Tamil Hindus have in their religion and Veeramakaliamman-the Mother Goddess; it is a centre for their sociocultural activities. The Tamils always believe; never to live in a country without a place of worship.

During the Japanese invasion of Singapore many devotees took refuge in the Temple.

Today the Temple not only caters for the Hindus in Singapore but it has also become the meeting place of many Hindu tourist from India and workers from Tamil Nadu.

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